Benefits of Licensing
Licensing adds new dimensions to your business. With licensing, you can obtain higher return on investment and justify the cost incurred in designing and offering your proprietary software solution(s). Using Sentinel Rights Management System (Sentinel RMS), you can license your software easily and effectively to cater to a wider set of requirements.
Sentinel RMS provides the following major benefits:
Generate More Revenue through License Management
Sentinel RMS provides electronic enforcement to prevent revenue leakage caused by unauthorized use of your proprietary software. The leakage can vary from malicious counterfeiting to unintended violations of the license agreement. For example, more than the permitted number of users run the application concurrently, or trial versions are used beyond the trial period, or unreported exchange of software takes place among peers. By locking your application to specific computers and transparent licensing, Sentinel RMS helps you in preventing this loss.
Increased Market Penetration with License Schemes
Using Sentinel RMS, you can implement licensing schemes to package and price the same software differently. This allows different types of customers to choose a license that meets their needs best.
Sentinel RMS provides you more choices than just the ordinary normal license that provides lifetime authorization to use software. Such a license may mean higher up front cost to your customers, particularly those who want to run your application for a limited period. Using Sentinel RMS, you can provide them any of the following flexible license schemes:
>Trial License
A temporary license that allows running the licensed application for fixed number of days or hours, beginning from the day/hour it is first used. Note that the countdown begins only from the first usage and then continues till the trial period (days or hours) is exhausted. For example, you can provide a trial license for 30 days. If a customer first used it on April 1st, the trial license will exhaust on April 30th.
>Standalone licenses
Per seat user license installed locally and tied to the system the licensed application is installed on. Useful for standalone users, such as home-based users.
>Network licenses
Concurrent user licenses or "floating" licenses for a network. Provides flexibility, easier administration, and lower costs for users in a network.
>Cloud-Served licenses
The cloud-served mode is further classified into the following two:
•Lease mode
•Connected (Cloud LM) mode
To learn more, refer to License Deployment Modes.
NOTE The cloud-served licensing deployment modes are available exclusively to SCL Add-on customers.
>Limited-feature licenses
Allows use of only specified features of a product. For example, you can create Full and Light editions of your software for professional and general users, respectively, and price them accordingly. See Product Functionality (Features) to learn about selecting features for licensing.
>Commuter licenses and repository licenses
For users who often need to run applications outside the network, such as users traveling frequently who require the licensed application on their laptops.
>Grace licenses
For extended usage during network unavailability.
>Redundant licenses
For high-assurance during License Manager downtime. When the main License Manager is unavailable, the clients are seamlessly transferred to other License Managers.
>Hard limit-based licenses
To restrict the number of users. You can also allow license sharing for more authorizations per license token on the basis of user name, host ID, X-display or a custom ID that you specify. From RMS v9.5 onwards, hard limit up to 4,294,967,294 is supported. This is applicable for license version 20 and above. Further, this high value is applicable only when the hard limit is used as a quantity.
>Capacity licenses
To specify the number of operations a token user can perform.
This guide provides detailed information about each license or characteristic mentioned above.
Easy and Flexible Implementations
Sentinel RMS provides you great deal of flexibility in implementing licensing schemes. The Sentinel RMS provides a comprehensive licensing API set that offers a robust set of features.
Furthermore, Sentinel RMS allows you to choose most of the license models during the license generation stage, when software is delivered to customers. The licenses can be customized at the time of license generation to fulfill the customer requirements.
Better License Compliance for Your Customers
Sentinel RMS is an enterprise-friendly license management solution. Using Sentinel RMS network licensing, organizations can centralize software license management and achieve greater license compliance. Further, using the RMS license configuration options, your customers can reduce their cost of software deployment and management.